Yardley Borough Happenings

By Rich Wayne

Flood preparation and mitigation are always on the minds of Yardley Borough residents.  Bills introduced by State Sen. Steve Santarsiero and State Rep. Perry Warren made it through a key committee on June 27. The bills would help Pennsylvanians deal with skyrocketing flood insurance costs that threaten their ability to protect their homes and make it almost impossible for them to sell.

Yardley is progressing on a plan to purchase a vacant, 1.26-acre lot, owned by PECO, that is on Fuld Avenue and the Delaware Canal towpath. State Sen. Steve Santarsiero and State Rep. Perry Warren earlier this year announced a grant of $62,830 to the borough for the acquisition.

FZ Works, a new co-workspace business for professionals, celebrated its opening in late May with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at its location on South Main Street.

The borough held a Pride Flag dedication in June, bringing back a ceremony that has been absent for the past two years. The Borough also had a celebration for the Juneteenth holiday.

Many residents have voiced disapproval of a developer’s demolition of the old house that was on the corner of Lookover and Afton. The property is not in the historic district. Residents are also upset to see the bike shop move to River Road and One South Main street gift shop close. People are wondering what will replace these businesses.


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